Sunday, December 23, 2007

ho ho *hack *hack *hack

Sorry I've been offline for so long (Pos, the nag-o-gram was happily received!) but I'm still under the weather and things have been brutally hectic in the run up to Christmas.

The kids and I had school up until Friday the 21st (the day of the big Christmas program. When you go to a church school, the Christmas program is a big deal). Needless to say, organizing dressier-than-normal threads for young boys can be a bit of a nightmare on the morning of said event. "No. You have to wear khakis. Then wear a belt for heavens sake! No, you can't wear a skater shirt -- wear this! Dude, you missed a button. Yes, you need to tuck in your shirt. You look like crap with it pulled out. Fine! Look like crap. See if I care!" All I can say, I'm awfully glad that my daughter has to wear a uniform to her school.

As a special treat for enduring yet another pre-traumatic Christmas program, I took the kids to a local shee-shee market and bought us all sushi! And then I had to promptly whip my house in shape (absolutely NO small feat of manic activity) and cook two big pots of Jambalaya for an informal dinner party that I was hosting for 9 adults and 10 kids. And poor Pos came home that afternoon with this evil cold, went to bed for a much needed nap and was unable to work his kitchen cooking magic for me. And the real shame is that I didn't drink nearly as much as I should/needed to and therefore I went to bed feeling a bit deflated.

Currently Pos and I are in a serious pre-Christmas scramble mode. We went last minute shopping last night and got some much needed stuff; however, the whole experience left me feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and a tad bit discouraged with having to choose among all the picked over merchandise. And unfortunately it looks like I need to throw back a stiff drink and launch myself back out there one more time before I'm truly done. I won't even mention how much wrapping I haven't done!

And to top everything off, we've had not a one, not a two but a FOUR hockey game weekend this weekend with our hockey-playing boys. Me driving in one direction, Pos driving in the other and rarely the twain shall meet (except to the final game where the outcome is expected to be close). I try to bundle, I end up freezing. I holler and scream and lose what little of my voice I have left. In the end, however, there's joyous spectator fun to be had by all.

Well folks, that's a sampling of how nutty the last week and a half has been. I expect that after Christmas morning things will settle down to a nice dull roar and pajama wearing will be the order of the remaining holiday. We'll read, watch TV, snuggle, walk the dog, nap and in general slug about (as we're prone to do when we have time off).

I sincerely hope all of you have a Merry, merry Christmas and a wonderful new year and I thank you all for stopping by and visiting me on occasion. It's been a joy and an honor to share my life with you all and I look forward to next year's written adventures.

Best to you all!



Hedy said...

Merry Christmas, far away friend! Hope you're feeling better and best wishes to you and your family for 2008! :)

Jeni said...

Did you survive through to Christmas morning and now, today, are you in "Slug" mode? Things were a bit wild, hairy and hectic here on Monday but yesterday was all about doing nothing. Didn't even cook supper - just fixed up a tray of meats and some cheese, crackers and bread to go with the veggies leftover from Monday's veggie tray. And today, I don't feel like doing much more than I did yesterday! Let 'em eat cake, ya know. 'Cept, we ain't gots no cake cause that was something along with pies, that I DID NOT bake for the holiday - just cookies and more cookies, ya know! Now, get ready and go have a Happy New Year!

molly gras said...

Hedy -
Thanks for the warm wishes and kind thoughts. Ya'll have a Happy New Year, ya hear!

Jeni -
I'm currently in slug mode -- my goal for the day was to see how many times I could walk the dog in my PJs without feeling too terribly conspicuous. Luckily, I don't really care what other people think of my fashion sense! I wish I were there to partake of your homemade cookies -- my philosophy for the holidays is to live off of sugar, caffeine cheese and crackers and tasty booze.

Ya'll have a happy Happy and be sure to make a lotta racket on New Year's Eve!

Best to you all :)

