Monday, August 4, 2008

attitude adjustment

I'm over my grouse ... thank goodness!

It's amazing what beautiful, no humidity, high 70's summer weather can do for one's disposition ...

plus a lovely long walk in said beautiful weather.

I just need to somehow get my head screwed on straight, start to buckle down and finally get ready for the next three weeks of teaching summer school.

I just hope the weather holds ...

it may be the only thing keeping me from going crazy!

ta-ta for now ;)


Anonymous said...

Yeah! Well, my skin is all dewy and stuff because I live where it's 97 degrees and 99% humidity every afternoon! So you can just have your 70's summer afternoon! I don't care! Really.

molly gras said...

Yeah, well, you also feel like you're drowning the minute you step outdoors.

So, neh!

Anonymous said...

We prefer to refer to it as "swimming" thank you very much.

molly gras said...

swimming, my ass ... nobody bitches THAT much when they're "swimming" through that much damned humidity!!